
Ged vs Diploma: What You Need to Know

For many people, the GED is a necessary achievement in order to show that high school has been completed and they are ready for the next step in their career or educational program.

Unlike a high school diploma, you do not need to enroll in four years of classes to achieve the GED, and many people who take the GED exam are adults who did not complete high school for some reason. Our article tells you more about GEDs versus a traditional diploma.

What Is a GED?

The General Education Diploma (GED) is a test that individuals who have not earned a high school diploma may take to prove that they have completed a high school level education.

For many people who have experienced challenges and were not able to finish high school, the GED test helps them to show they have this education. Once you have your GED, you may have a wider range of employment and educational opportunities open to you.

When Can You Take the GED?

You can take the GED as early as 16 years old, and many individuals who know they won’t be able to earn a high school diploma the traditional way will select this option. There is no upper age limit for taking the GED, so even if you drop out of high school and wish to take this test years after high school, you can do so.

However, you may need to enroll in a study plan or night classes to help ensure you pass your GED exam; many counties and states offer free or low-cost tuition to help you achieve your GED.

Obtaining a GED vs a Diploma – What’s the Difference?

A GED and a diploma are two different ways to show that you have obtained a high school-level education. With a diploma, you earn this by going through high school, completing all of your classes, and graduating.

On the other hand, a General Education Diploma (GED) is obtained by completing a seven-hour test; this test reviews all of the subjects and information you should have learned in high school, and you will need to study separately for it.

While many people will earn their diplomas and proceed to a career or higher education simply by completing high school, this is not the case for some people. If you drop out of high school, you do not get a diploma, and you will need to take the GED if you wish to be considered for many careers or higher education programs.

If you do need to obtain a GED, there are likely many different programs in your state that are designed to help you complete this milestone and work towards gainful employment or another dream of yours that requires a GED to complete.

Will an Employer Treat a GED and Diploma the Same?

GEDs and high school diplomas are virtually the same thing – they indicate that you have obtained a high school-level education. The only difference is going through the traditional route of completing high school and earning your diploma versus potentially dropping out or choosing to take the GED test ahead of finishing high school.


An employer will generally treat a GED and a diploma as the same thing, and this information is usually only pertinent to your very first job or two. Once you have job experience or you choose to pursue higher education, your GED and diploma records become less important to employers.

Can I See Who Has Earned a GED?

GED records are public, and every state will have dedicated General Education Diploma records. Typically, these records are kept by the state or by the county where you took the GED test. You can request your own GED records and transcript by using the dedicated website of your state’s GED testing agency or by visiting the applicable records office in person.

Additionally, proof that you have passed the GED or completed high school will most likely be added to your background check report. These reports are compiled from details on the public record (which you can find by searching here), and you may be asked to submit a background check report when you start applying for jobs. You should consult your state’s disclosure laws and employer policies to learn more.

Starting Your Career the Right Way

While some employers and career fields won’t be bothered if you do not have proof of a high school education, many more careers and educational programs are contingent on you at least completing a high school level of education. This is to ensure you are qualified to complete certain jobs, and that you have a basic understanding of the career you wish to work.


If you didn’t finish high school, a GED is the best way to show proof to others that you have a high school level of knowledge; proof of your GED is typically necessary for your first few jobs, and you will need to obtain this education to start your career the right way.

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