close up puppy and human hand

How Much Does It Cost to Make Your Dog an Emotional Support Dog?

Emotional support dogs are helpful companions to many different people who may be struggling with certain mental health conditions.

While these dogs differ from service dogs, they are still very valuable to the individuals they help, and they bring a number of positive benefits to their owners. If you are trying to make sure your dog is recognized as an emotional support dog, you may be wondering how much this costs.

Our article tells you more about the cost and process of making your dog an emotional support dog.

What Is an Emotional Support Dog?

An emotional support dog (ESD) is a dog that provides comfort and companionship to their owner, helping their owner to deal with negative emotions, destructive behaviors, and other symptoms related to a mental health condition.

The most common conditions that emotional support dogs can help with include anxiety, depression, and chronic stress, though PTSD, OCD, and other mental health conditions may benefit from the help of an ESD.

An emotional support dog is not trained to perform disability-related tasks for their owner, unlike a service dog. This means that they will not have the same public and private access rights, though the federal Fair Housing Act allows them to live alongside their owners without adhering to any pet restrictions or breed restrictions.

Do I Need to Register My Emotional Support Dog?

While you do not need to register your emotional support dog in a national database, you do need to obtain an official emotional support animal (ESA) letter from a mental healthcare provider licensed in your state.


Your official ESA letter allows you to take advantage of your federally protected housing rights, and you will need to make sure that this letter meets state requirements for the area you live in. In several states, this means establishing a relationship of at least 30 days with a provider before you are eligible to receive an ESA letter.

How much it costs to make your dog an emotional support dog depends on certain state rules, your health insurance plan, and the cost of meeting with your mental healthcare provider.

You do not have to pay for an ESA letter, and websites that offer you an ESA letter at an up-front cost or allow you to print a letter online for a fee are typically scams. This is because any ESA letter must come from a mental healthcare provider, and the letter will be provided to you for free – you will only need to pay for the session with your provider.

The cost to make your dog an official emotional support dog depends on whether or not your health insurance plan covers your sessions with a mental healthcare provider. If they do, you may only need to pay your co-pay, or you might not have any cost. This means your ESA letter will be free.


However, if your health insurance plan does not cover mental healthcare sessions, or if your chosen mental healthcare provider does not accept insurance, you will need to pay the cost of the session, or multiple sessions in states where you need at least a 30-day relationship with your provider before you are eligible for a letter.

On average, this out-of-pocket cost may range between $25 and $250.

Where Do I Start if I Want an Emotional Support Dog?

If you want to add an emotional support dog to your treatment plan, you will need to start by looking for providers in your area. A mental healthcare provider can evaluate your condition and help you start the process of obtaining an ESA letter. Once you have your ESA letter, you can request housing accommodations for yourself and your emotional support dog as needed.

Getting the Emotional Support Companion You Need

Emotional support dogs are incredibly helpful to individuals with a wide variety of mental health conditions. With the comfort and support of your companion canine, you can go about your day with greater ease and experience less stress and negative emotions.

Speak to your mental healthcare provider today about obtaining a valid ESA letter if you want to make your dog an emotional support dog.

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